6 Types of Hosting and Which One Is Right For Your Business?

Since the Coronavirus outbreak and the #socialdistancing practice, most people have to make their purchases and Christmas shopping online. Many businesses have expanded their presence...

Business Use Case: How CirrusGrid become the Solution for Retail

What industry is your company in? We are running a food and beverage retail. We used to operate solely in the store. But as we now venture into e-commerce, the online orders through our...

Qloud MSP’s next-gen Managed Services empowering Remote Workforce during Pandemic.

This Pandemic has shown how important is IT to an organization, especially with the help of MSP. The transformation and technology capability to be able to work remotely became the...

Qloud PC-as-a-Service and Device-as-a-Service

Empower your workforce productivity with the right workstation and IT equipment without heavy upfront investment. Our configuration plans aim to simplify asset management lifecycle and...

Company Failed to Defend Themselves from Intruders, Paid Millions.

Over recent years, cyberattacks are getting harder to prevent despite billions of dollars spent across the global economy. Many large corporates have fallen victim to cyber-attacks like...

WordPress Security Optimization for High-Performing Websites

Hacking and cyber attacks can cause massive server performance problems if not outright interruptions. Many people have no idea how often servers get attacked because they never see the...

CirrusGrid Help Developers Wins Competition

Neil Armstrong Buzz Aldrin Charles Conrad Alan Bean Alan Shepard How many names up there do you know without Googling? Most people will know Neil Armstrong, the first person who landed...

Your right Cloud services are finally here. Why?

Over the years, the number of Cloud service providers in the market are getting vast. However, not all service provider offers the same value. Qloud MSP is an experienced managed...

Why Data Backup is the Most Important Thing Now, and What Are the Criteria?

COVID-19 pandemic is forcing many businesses to shift towards work from home. Employees began to use their personal computers or corporate given laptops to carry on their tasks as part...